



Inter-regional SWOT

Since 2010 eight organisations from various regions within the EU have worked in the YES project to identify ways of integrating the teaching of entrepreneurship skills into the education system.

Following a programme of intensive initiatives at regional and national level that has included mapping, surveys and questionnaires, and through a process of inter-regional debate, analysis and due deliberation of the information collected, every YES partner has used the material as the basis for a regional SWOT analysis, showing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in their regions.

In this section you can find the inter-regional SWOT. By clicking in each different cell (S, W, O, T) for each region (Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Sweden), you will obtain detailed information

international_swot strengths weaknesses opportunities threats
Estonia Curriculum, Long tradition, Student Company Programme Teacher training in EE, Lack of funding, Lack of common understanding about EE in society Support of scientific research work, EU funding to EE, Business support to EE European crisis, Negative attitudes towards EE
Finland Strategies, Motivation Implementation of EE, Teacher training in EE Good methods, Networking Funding
Ireland Initiatives, Support National EE policy, Teacher Training in EE Education Cycle Changes, Collaboration Crowded Curriculum; Funding
Poland Work Traditions and Sense of Thriftiness Promotion of entrepreneurship through mass media and opinion makers Wide-spreading of Good Practices Stereotypes and Negative Picture of Entrepreneurs
Slovakia Number of types of schools, Lifelong learning, Alternative methods Insufficient connection with labor market, Missing curricula EU SF, Functional information system, Cooperation with employers, Workshops Isolation of the education system, Lack of finance, Lack of interest
Spain National Strategies, Regional Cooperation Entrepreneur Image, Values, Teacher training and didactic resources, Lack of integration Economic situation, Budget Lines, Awareness Motivational aspects, Involvement
Sweden Strategies, Attitudes, Company visits, External players, Students interest Lack of guidance, Lack of follow-up, Lack of qualified staff, Lack of structures, Lack of incentives Improve follow-up, Create incentive systems, Develop existing forums, Use students interest, Increasing competence Teachers education, Narrow definition, Lack of career guidance, Lack of time

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