
Zilina self-governing Region

Dana Weichselgärtner
00 421 415032209

Brief description
The Zilina Self-governing Region (ZSR) is one of the self-governing regions in Slovak republic. It significantly participates in the formation and development of the regional policy. ZSR influences regional policy in the field of educational system, health service, social affairs, etc. ZSR establishes and methodically rectifies secondary schools within Zilina region. For a long time ZSR has solved the issue of entrepreneurship in the professional training.

The Zilina Self-governing region has rich experiences in interregional cooperation and Structural Funds, and have already implemented many projects in the area of resources, health, education and others.

3d3 Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and made possible by the Interreg IVC Programme. Privacy Policy | Site map
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