YES Kick-Off Meeting
YES Launching Conference took place last June 9-10th (2010) in Linköping, Sweden.
Wonderfully hosted by Östergötland Administrative Board, we can recall it a full success .
All 8 partners could attend, which facilitated the busy and extensive networking agenda:
Following the warm welcome from the Östergötland Administrative Board, partners had the chance to meet each other and their represented organizations through brief "quick share" presentations.
Within the Conference, the 1st Steering Group Meeting (SGM) and the 1st Analysis Workgroup Meeting (AWM) took also place.
As previously foreseen on the project, Results and Outputs, as well as Responsibilities of each partner in YES were clearly identified and emphasized, with the agreement of the Consortia.
The Kick-Off served as well as the launching platform for our Logo and Graphic profile.
From there on, and until our next Meeting takes place in the Zilina self-governing region (SK) in October 19th-20th 2010, all partners agreed to organize the 1st Reference Groups in each region, as well as to work on a common methodology for further discussion. It is also 1st reporting time for YES.
Congratulations to all, and let's keep up the good work !
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