








Review: Analysis Workgroup Meeting in Ireland
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Review: Analysis Workgroup Meeting in Ireland

The last YES Project’s Analysis Workgroup Meeting took place at the beginning of June 2012 in the South-East Region of Ireland in Wexford Town, a fun-filled urban centre where food, crafts, history and cultural activities are everyday events. It was entertaining since it is a place rich in history, where Viking Settlers, Norman Knights, Cromwellian Roundheads, Irish Rebels, Soldiers and Sailors, Pirates and Prisoners, Monks and Martyrs once roamed!

There, the partners had a busy agenda and, amongst other things, they completed Best Practice Guide, discussing the draft of the YES Magazine, overviewing the state of play with preparations of the National/Regional Action Plans (RAPs), and last but not the least, deliberating publicity matters, including Regional Dissemination Seminars held/planned and the Final Project Conference to take place in the autumn of 2012.

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