








President of the Republic of Estonia attends the second YES Project seminar
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President of the Republic of Estonia attends the second YES Project seminar
On 11th of May the second dissemination seminar of YES project was organised by Junior Achievement Estonia under the name on "Entrepreneurial Estonia - Successful Estonia”.

The main goals of the seminar were to discuss what has been done in EE in Estonia, where we are right now and where we expect to be in 20 years.

The most honourable guests of the seminar were the President of the Republic of Estonia Mr. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, minister of Economic Affairs and Communications, chancellor from Ministry of Education and Science. In addition to public figures seminar also attracted the vice president of Swedbank and many local entrepreneurs – totally more than 120 guests.

JA Estonia board member Rein Loik (CEO of Tallinn Airport) said: "Our goal is to have entrepreneurship education as a natural and mandatory part of curriculum, like mathematics and physics. We believe that entrepreneurs are not born, but they have to be educated.“

The main highlight of the seminar was presentation of YES Project and its survey results comparing Estonian and other project partners in the field of entrepreneurship education. Also a panel discussion was held on the topic of entrepreneurship education in 20 years. Students from different age groups had their presentation.

The President of the Republic of Estonia pointed out the importance entrepreneurship emphasizing that large and successful companies will be created in the places where knowledge meets the entrepreneurial spirit.

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