Last 25th and 26th January 2012 took place in Girona (Spain) the Entrepreneurship Education Conference of the FPdGi
The White Paper on Entrepreneurship in Spain, presented by the Foundation “Príncipe de Girona” last November, states in its conclusions that a key aspect to encourage entrepreneurship in Spain is through the education of our children and youth.
In Spain, many programs are being developed, diverse and targeted at different age groups. Many departments of education are also launching entrepreneurial education programs in schools in their territories. Three renowned experts, José Antonio Marina, Luisa Alemany and José Manuel Pérez Pericles, have taken the scientific coordination of this conference, making an exhaustive identification of programmes and projects, dealing with entrepreneurship education all around the Spanish territory.
More than 88 experts representatives of all Spanish cities, have participated in these days of work, whose goal was to analyze all existing resources in order to mapping the educational background, and defining the values and tools that should be develop from now on.
The Region of Murcia was invited for presenting their best practices on this field (Plan Emprendemos and EJE/EME Project), as well as talk about our experience in the YES project, and the perspective we have thanks to be part of this kind of european programmes.
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