Murcia Disseminates YES!
Murcia organized a Dissemination Seminar within Yes Project framework, on 12nd December 2012. The Council of Education, Training and Employment, has organized an event for spreading the results and conclusion of YES Project. Around 50 participants has attended this seminar, where they have had the chance to get to know more about the project itself (data, objectives, methodology, conclusions, etc.), as well as the outputs generated during this three-year work. Two of the most important outputs, the Best Practice Guide and the Regional Action Plans, have been presented in detail during the event.
During the second part, José Manuel Pérez Díaz, “Pericles”, has offered a really motivated speech about how to focuss entreprenership education since first educational levels: “Entrepreneurship Education should be taught since we are children, in the same way we do with the rest of subjects. We should train it as any other discipline, that is the only way to success”.
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