Successfully set up of Murcia's YES Regional Reference Group
On 28 September, led by the Minister of Education, Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia, took place the first meeting of the Regional Reference Group (RRG).
The RRG integrates the City Halls and Regional Development Agencies of Cartagena and Moratalla (main cities in the Region), the universities of Murcia and Cartagena, the Regional Development Agency, the Regional Confederation of Employers, the Association of Young Entrepreneurs and the Business-University Foundation.
This first meeting served to lay the foundations of the tasks to be done during the coming months, to explain the Interreg IV-C program and the YES project, as well as to emphasize the importance of promoting entrepreneurship among young students, being essential the regional political and institutional support and their strong commitment to implement YES results.
"The role play of entrepreneurs is a key factor to ensure the develoment of all European regions, as they help to create jobs and generate wealth," said the general secretary of the Council of Education, Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia, José Daniel Martin.
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