Murcia receives students from Rusia, Macedonia and Slovakia: YES to entrepreneurship!
A regional association based in Murcia, La Galería, has been approved by the European with a Project 3.1. “Youth in Action Programme”. Within this framework, a training course has been developed from 13th to 18th November 2012, in the city of Murcia.
Students from Rusia, Macedonia and Slovakia participated in this course, that included a visit to the Regional Development Office of the Region of Murcia, where they had the option to know more about the European Entrepreneurial Region Award, as well as some other projects related to entrepreneurship, such as YES Project.
Students were really aware of the need of encouraging entrepreneurship within the education systems, in order to promote this culture among youngest. Most of them showed us their interest in carrying out their own business ideas in the future.
Let’s continue doing this promotion!
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