Entrepreneurship is not a preferred career option for most Europeans, as established by the flash Eurobarometer n°192 (2007). However, studies show that teaching entrepreneurship in school is an effective way to increase the number of entrepreneurs.
The aim of the YES project is to contribute to European competitiveness and to accelerate regional economic growth through promoting the entrepreneurial mindset in the next generation. Thus, the project aims at integrating an entrepreneurial perspective in the education system and increase the number of young entrepreneurs.
YES will influence policies like regional/local development plans, growth and innovation plans and school curricula by capitalising on new knowledge and good practice on how to integrate entrepreneurship in the education system.
The project originates from the regional need to absorb new knowledge and inspiration on youth entrepreneurship strategies. YES seeks to work with new methods in order to review regional policies concerning youth entrepreneurship and to spread lessons learned and good practice gained. For example,
- Developing a method for mapping prerequisites for promoting youth entrepreneurship in regional development policies and in education systems.
- Conducting interregional mapping and a joint interregional analysis where similarities, differences, strengths and weaknesses are identified.
Eight partners, including six regional governments, one national youth entrepreneurship organisation and the Assembly of European Regions form the project partnership. Its activities result in a Best Practice guide, action plans and improved policies regarding the integration of entrepreneurship in the education system.
We propose the following definition of entrepreneurship education:
"Fostering within the education system, the attitudes and skills of young people to self-employment, by developing personal qualities - such as creativity, responsibility, risk-taking, problem-solving, team-working - and relevant business competencies on how to create and run an enterprise".
Last News
YES at the ‘Youth on the Move’ conference!
YES project has been shown in the framework of the ‘Youth on the Move’... [read +]
Murcia Disseminates YES!
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Ireland: A Morning for Student Entrepreneurs
“A Morning for Student Entrepreneurs” was a very informative and... [read +]